Lifts for Wheelchairs
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When a person is in need of a wheelchair, mobility in the home, at work, or in both locations can be limited and difficult. That is why installation of lifts for wheelchairs can be so liberating for wheelchair using individuals, especially when elevators are not feasible. With so many wheelchair lift options available, how do you know which option is best for you?
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To determine the type of wheelchair lift you are going to install, you need to know where you want to install the wheelchair lift. It’s all about location, inside verses outside, home verses business. Once you know where your wheelchair lift is going, you can then start to look at the many available options. For a business or office building, it’s best to invest into a lift that will adequately serve the majority of wheelchair users. If installing in a home, you can have higher consideration for the individual needs of the intended wheelchair lift user.
For installation in an office, try to choose a wheelchair lift that can accommodate most, if not all, wheelchair users who will come through your door. The simpler and more secure the lift, the better. You don’t want to install a lift that is going to confuse customers or visitors. If customers and visitors are going to use your lift, you want them to feel comfortable doing so.
With home lifts for wheelchairs, you have a little more leeway. If you know that the intended user is comfortable using wheelchair lifts, you may be able to get a smaller lift that does not have walls or is not completely enclosed. Or, if needed, you can look into getting a wheelchair lift built to handle outdoor conditions.
Before purchasing a wheelchair lift, make sure you know who your intended users will be. To see a variety of wheelchair lift options, check out the lifts available through Apex Wheelchair Lifts at Apex is sure to have the perfect wheelchair lift for your home or business.
For installation in an office, try to choose a wheelchair lift that can accommodate most, if not all, wheelchair users who will come through your door. The simpler and more secure the lift, the better. You don’t want to install a lift that is going to confuse customers or visitors. If customers and visitors are going to use your lift, you want them to feel comfortable doing so.
With home lifts for wheelchairs, you have a little more leeway. If you know that the intended user is comfortable using wheelchair lifts, you may be able to get a smaller lift that does not have walls or is not completely enclosed. Or, if needed, you can look into getting a wheelchair lift built to handle outdoor conditions.
Before purchasing a wheelchair lift, make sure you know who your intended users will be. To see a variety of wheelchair lift options, check out the lifts available through Apex Wheelchair Lifts at Apex is sure to have the perfect wheelchair lift for your home or business.
About Our Products
- Electric Wheelchair Lifts
- Handicapped Wheelchair Lift
- Handicapped Wheelchair Lifts
- Handicap Wheelchair Lift
- Handicap Wheelchair Lifts
- Home Wheelchair Lift
- Home Wheelchair Lifts
- Lifts for Wheelchairs
- Outdoor Wheelchair Lifts
- Platform Lifts
- Platform Wheelchair Lift
- Platform Wheelchair Lifts
- Power Wheelchair Lifts
- Wheelchair Lift
- Wheelchair Lifts
- Wheelchair Lifts for Stairs
- Wheelchair Lift Cost
- Wheel Chair Lift
- Wheel Chair Lifts
- Wheelchair Stair Lift
- Wheel Chair Stair Lift
Tips and Information
- A Wheelchair Lift or Ramp?: The Pros and Cons
- All You Need to Know About Vertical Wheelchair Lifts
- Can An Inclined Wheelchair Lift Work in a Home?
- Cleaning a Wheelchair Lift
- Designing a Custom Wheelchair Lift
- Differences between Vertical and Inclined Wheelchair Lifts
- Different Types of Wheelchair Lifts
- Does a Wheelchair Lift Work Outdoors?
- Do You Need a Multi-Story Wheelchair Lift?
- Finding the Right Inclined Wheelchair Lift
- Five Tips for Installing Inclined and Vertical Wheelchair Lifts
- Getting the Most Out of Your Wheelchair Lift
- Guidelines for Vertical Platform Lifts
- How Are Curved Platform Lifts Designed?
- How a Wheelchair Lift Benefits a Small Business
- How Does a Curved Platform Lift Work?
- How Does a Platform Wheelchair Lift Work?
- How Does an Inclined Platform Lift Operate?
- How Far Can a Wheelchair Lift Travel?
- How Fast Can a Wheelchair Lift Travel?
- How is a Custom Wheelchair Lift Created?
- How is a Wheelchair Lift Installed?
- How Much Does a Wheelchair Lift Cost?
- How to be ADA Compliant With a Wheelchair Lift
- How to Incorporate Wheelchair Lifts into a Multistory Building
- How to Maintain a Wheelchair Lift
- Installing an Outdoor Wheelchair Lift
- Insurance for Wheelchair Lifts and Stair Lifts
- Is an Inclined or Vertical Wheelchair Lift Better for your Building?
- Maintaining a Safe Wheelchair Lift
- Operating a Wheelchair lift
- Places for Installing a Wheelchair Lift in Homes & Commercial Areas
- Preparing Your Home for a Wheelchair Lift
- Safety Features for Wheelchair Lifts
- Safety Tips for Using Wheelchair Lifts
- Standard Wheelchair Lift Features
- The Business Benefits of Wheelchair Lifts
- The 9 Key Components of a Vertical Platform Lift
- The Most Important ADA Regulations for Platform Lifts
- The Travel Distances of a Wheelchair Lift
- The Wheelchair Lift Installation Process
- Three Tips for Selecting a Vertical Wheelchair Lift
- Tips for Businesses Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
- Tips for Installing a Vertical Wheelchair Lift
- Understanding a Hydraulic Wheelchair Lift
- Using a Wheelchair Lift to Transport Heavy Items
- What’s the Difference between a Screw Drive and a Hydraulic Drive?
- What Are the Advantages of the Apex Complete Wheelchair Lift?
- What are the Basic Parts of a Vertical Wheelchair Lift?
- What Are the Wheelchair Lift Options for a Smaller Home?
- What a Business Needs to Know before Installing a Wheelchair Lift
- What is a Multi-level Inclined Wheelchair Lift?
- What Powers an Inclined Wheelchair Lift?
- Wheelchair Lift Costs
- Wheelchair Lift Inspections
- Wheelchair Lifts & Safety
- Why A Wheelchair Lift?
- Wheel Chair Lifts for Curved Staircases
- When does a Commercial Building need a Wheelchair Lift?
- Where Should You Install a Wheelchair Lift?
- Will a Wheelchair Lift Change Your Business Insurance?
- Will a Wheelchair Lift Work for a Small Business?
- Will Your Home Support a Wheelchair Lift?