Wheelchair Stair Lift

Stairs can be a real issue for the handicapped wheelchair-using individual. Decreased mobility in the home or office can make a wheelchair user feel trapped and helpless and can even cost some their independence and peace of mind. If you are one of these individuals, finding that navigation around the house, or office, is an incredible task. Fear not those stairs, as Apex Wheelchair Lifts offers a wide variety of wheelchair stair lifts to get you mobile again.

Contact Us for a Quote Today: 888-227-3858

How can wheelchair stair lifts get you mobile again? If you are a new wheelchair user, you are most likely residing in a home where stairs are a common occurrence. Do you now find yourself struggling to get in and out of the house? Surprised to find that your home has more single step hindrances than you thought? Apex Wheelchair Lifts can solve your stair problem forever. Apex lifts can offer you a simple and safe way to gain full access of your home! Regain your independence and confidence by navigating your home or office without the constant eye or aid of others.

Apex Wheelchair Lifts offers six different wheelchair stair lift options. Each option is designed to serve you in the best way possible. Some have been created for the office, others for your own home. Some have been built to withstand outdoor weathering, and others will fit perfectly on your spiral staircase! There’s nowhere you can’t go with Apex Wheelchair Lifts! Looking for a lift that will travel the length of that grand staircase? Check out the Apex Wheelchair Lift Omega IPL model, specifically designed for curved staircases. Do you have a narrow back staircase that leads to a guest bedroom? Maybe you’d be interested in the compact and foldable chair design of the Apex Wheelchair Lift Delta IPL model.

Don’t sacrifice mobility and independence because you are in a wheelchair; instead, free yourself with one of Apex Wheelchair Lifts‘ many platform lift options.
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