Three Tips for Selecting a Vertical Wheelchair Lift

Are you ready to install a vertical wheelchair lift in your home? If so, there are probably many questions running through your head, such as how to you choose the best model for your home? Luckily, the answers to these questions are simpler than you may have thought.

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Ceiling Height – The first thing you should consider when choosing a vertical wheelchair lift is the height of your ceilings. The reason for this is simple: While all models can be adjusted to fit inside your home, you may want to choose one model over another after you’ve evaluated your ceiling height. Some vertical lifts may look a bit bulky if your ceilings are too low; in this case, you may want to go with a low-profile model that will look more natural in the space allotted.
Floor Space – There are two major types of wheelchair lifts: vertical and inclined. Inclined lifts are great for homes that lack space, because they can be attached to the staircase and require no extra room for installation. On the other hand, vertical lifts do require their own space, as they are typically installed away from the stairs. If you have limited space in your home, it is best that you look for a smaller vertical lift that will fit in the space you do have. If you’re having an exceptionally hard time finding a vertical lift that will fit, we recommend exploring inclined lift options.
Safety Features – Last but certainly not least, make sure you explore all the safety features that come with your wheelchair lift. While all chair lifts come equipped with the necessary safety features, you may prefer lift A to lift B when you discover that one comes with extras. If you’re nervous about riding your new lift and you want one that is going to have advanced or extra safety elements, make sure that is a top priority when shopping for wheelchair lifts.
When it comes to purchasing a vertical wheelchair lift, you only need to worry about three things: the height, the floor space, and the safety features. Other than that, you’ll find that almost all vertical wheelchair lifts are virtually the same and will safely get your from one floor in your home to another. If you’re having a hard time committing to the purchase of a vertical wheelchair lift, we strongly encourage you to check out the inclined wheelchair lift options to see if they would work better in your home.
Tips and Information