Preparing Your Home For a Wheelchair Lift

If you or a loved one believe there will be a time in the near future, you may want to get your home ready for the transition.

Don’t be too concerned about your home staircase. You may already know this, but it bears repeating: There is a wheelchair or inclined lift for almost every type of staircase in every type of home.

Let’s think about a curved staircase. Tricky, right? Not so fast. A curved, inclined wheelchair lift will follow a staircase around 90 degrees, 180 degrees and around custom radius turns. An inclined wheelchair lift carries passengers along the set of stairs. There is very little setup that needs to be done beforehand. Professional installers will make sure the lift is properly installed and secure. Inclined platform lifts are perfect for straight, “conventional” staircases. The curved inclined lift is perfect for those curve staircases.

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Vertical wheelchair lifts bypass the stairs and carry passenger from one level to another. This is one reason they are often found in small businesses more than homes.

Some vertical platform lifts with up to six feet of travel are not required to be enclosed.

If you have any questions about how a wheelchair lift would impact your home, talk to the experts at Apex Wheelchair Lifts.
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