How is a Wheelchair Lift Installed?

You’re incredibly excited about your new wheelchair lift. How is the team going to install it? Wheelchair lifts are installed differently, depending on the type of lift you ordered. There are two major wheelchair lifts available for purchase: vertical and inclined wheelchair lifts. The installation process for each model is surprisingly easy yet very different.

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Vertical Wheelchair Lifts – The vertical wheelchair lift is a platform that brings a wheelchair user from one floor to the next via a platform that moves vertically. Since the platform goes straight up or down, the lift is not dependent on any wall or staircase. The only part of the home that needs to be configured for the wheelchair lift is the landing platform. Each landing site needs to be able to accommodate the wheelchair platform, so that the wheelchair user can easily board and de-board the lift. Therefore, before your vertical lift can be installed, you must prepare the landing zones on each floor. If there are railings or walls that separate the landing from the moving platform, remove them. You can do this way before your vertical wheelchair lift arrives. Once the lift arrives, the system can be installed on site. The parts will be brought in and put together in the space allotted. Again, since the lift will not rely on any home features for support or stability, installation is really quite simple.
Inclined Wheelchair Lifts – Inclined wheelchair lifts are a bit different from vertical lifts. Instead of traveling vertically from one level to the next, the inclined lift follows the natural curve of the stairs in order to get from floor to floor. Since inclined wheelchair lifts are dependent on staircases to operate, you’ll be correct to assume that installation will depend on how easy it is to attach the lift to your staircase. Installation of the inclined wheelchair lift begins with the attachment of the wheelchair lift track to the base railing of the staircase. Not all staircases are the same, so some tracks will be attached differently. While some tracks will run over the baseboards, others will have to be attached to the staircase railings. After the track is attached, the platform itself can be fastened to the track. Once the controls are set up and power is hooked up, the inclined wheelchair lift will be ready to carry wheelchair passengers to the next level.
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