What Are the Adventages of the Apex Complete Wheelchair Lift?
Home » What Are the Advantages of the Apex Complete Wheelchair Lift?
Wheelchair lifts provide an efficient mobility solution by elevating passengers from one floor to another or over steep steps to an entryway. The Apex Complete Wheelchair Lift transcends the standard features of a wheelchair lift with its own elevator shaft. It’s a lift and an elevator shaft all in one,and the lift has a fitted, self-standing enclosure.
The enclosure is made of an aluminum frame with steel or acrylic panels.The Apex Complete is ideal for indoor or outside applications, with the upper landing fully enclosed or open at the top with 42 inch tall rails and gate. With the enclosure integrated into the vertical platform, the Apex Complete is a turnkey solution, rounded out by walls and doors or gates. It gets passengers to their destination and stays dry year round.

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The Apex Complete is equipped with an anti-skid platform and safety features offering a smooth operation. A choice of painted steel, clear, or tinted acrylic panels allows the hoistway to seamlessly blend in with your home’s appearance. More than a stylistic element, the aluminum and acrylic inserts are equipped with steel components to resist corrosion.
The hydraulic Apex Complete comes with 750-pound capacity and a 25-foot-per-minute rated speed. The cab platform is 34 inches wide and 54 inches deep with a travel capability up to 12 feet with two stops. Its safety features include automatic emergency lighting and an emergency alarm stop button. Optional features include a telephone and a folding seat on the platform. It comes with a powder-coated beige finish with custom color options available.
The Apex Complete is a premium model from Apex Wheelchair Lifts, a division of Nationwide Lifts that specializes in platform lifts that provide homeowners with an all-encompassing variety of inclined and vertical mobility devices at affordable prices. Call us today toll-free at 888-227-3858 for more information on the Apex Complete and other models that provide exceptional mobility solutions for wheelchair passengers.
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